Amanda Pinsker

—Product & experience designer.

Recent collaborators


A little about me

Most recently, I was a Senior Product Designer at GitHub. I was focused on how you work with GitHub from your local machine. All of our work was open source*.
Before that, I spent some time at Upstatement and Ronik, led the crew at Scout, and graduated from Northeastern.
I grew up in the ‘burbs of New York, make a lot of self deprecating jokes§, and I'm notorious for being average at a thousand hobbies—most recently guitar piano, mini Monday crossword puzzles, knitting wire sculpting, and journaling.

So is this. And it was built by moi.

Here's my resume if you need it.

Long Island, specifically. At least it's not Jersey.


I didn't get away with these as well as I'd liked on the West Coast.

If you've learned about me and would still like to talk to me, you can do so in these places: Twitter, Email, LinkedIn.


This means I do not have a public case study yet and I must send you somewhere else.